Eduardo Gabe, MD, PhD, FACC (1953-2020). In memoriam
Alfredo E RodrÃguez
Revista Argentina de CardioangiologÃa Intervencionista 2020;(2):0057-0057
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Recibido | Aceptado | Publicado 2020-06-30
Figure 1. Eduardo Gabe MD, PhD, FACC (1953-2020).
Back in March 28th when we were barely wrapping up the first issue of our journal for publication we found out about the sudded death of one of our members at the Editorial Committee, Dr. Eduardo Gabe, MD.
I met Eduardo at Sanatorio Güemes at the end of 1979 and it would be the beginning of a relation of mutual respect and friendship.
After my departure from Sanatorio Guemes in 1986 our lives went different directions until he joined the clinical cardiology working group at Sanatorio Otamendi. Death found him while he was preparing to take over the entire cardiology unit unit at Otamendi.
During his stay at Otamendi the young resident cardiologists and clinical staff were lucky enough to benefit from Dr. Gabe’s vast knowledge of clinical cardiology and cardiovascular surgery.
If I had to summarize his medical skills in a few words I would borrow this sentence from another clinical cardiologist who studied with him at Favaloro Foundation, Dr. Pablo Stuzbach, MD: “among other things, he was an excellent semiologist”. A definition I totally agree with.
His extensive curriculum vitae reveals a successful career in Sanatorio Güemes and Favaloro Foundation alike. He had a PhD in Medicine (UBA) and was the recipient of several awards such as the Buenos Aires National Academy of Medicineaward and the Buenos Aires Medical School (UBA) award. Also, he had collaborated in several books and original papers and reviews published in Argentina and abroad.
While at the clinical cardiology unit at Sanatorio Otamendi he was the leading author of a study onTakotsubo cardiomyopathy, a condition for which heeven found one classification.
As a member of RACI Editorial Committee he was very active and reviewed and proofread some of the articles that would later be published.
One of his closest friends, Dr. Jorge Wisner, MD, sent us a few words that I wish to share with all our readers:
“To me it is not easy to write these lines after learning about your sudden and unexpected passing. I am just overwhelmed. Still, I wish to give you my final goodbye thanking you for the wonderful friendship we have had for over 40 years. We met while doing our residency in hemodynamics in the old Sanatorio Güemes at the beginning of 1979 and our friendship lifted up right from the start. A friendship that has withstood the test of time even when life took us through different paths and regardless of the occasional distancing that never damaged our relation. Your professional career has been long and successful in the field of clinical cardiology. My calling was a different one. Death is unavoidable. But, it is especially difficult to accept when a close friend like you has to embark on this journey. I know you are in a good place now. You were an excellent person and we are all going to miss you.”
Dear Eduardo, you leave an indelible memory for those of us who knew you. Wherever your are, you will be missed very much.
Rest in peace.
Alfredo E Rodríguez MD, PhD, FACC, FSCAI
Editor-in-chief. Revista Argentina de Cardioangiología Intervencionista (RACI)
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Eduardo Gabe, MD, PhD, FACC (1953-2020). In memoriam
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Revista Argentina de CardioangiologÃa intervencionista
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