Volumen 10 - Web 3 - Año 2020


Lessons learned from the SARS COVID-19 pandemic
Alfredo E Rodríguez

Six months after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 pandemic that probably started at the city of Wuhan, China, several personal reflections that can be madeto this point. In the first place, this viral disease is causing an unprecedented health and economic crisis around the world. Most RACI readers and CACI members have never seen anything like this in their life...

Artículo de Revisión

Same-day hospital discharge percutaneous transluminal a...
Gabriel Dionisio y cols.

Cardiovascular disease is a major health issue in developed countries1. In this context, the better understanding of ischemic heart disease associated with the advance of endovascular techniques has turned the percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) into a safe and therapeutic procedure. Twenty-five years ago, a high percentage of patients who required myocardial revascularization surgery...

Artículo de Revisión

Searching for myocardial viability: what method should ...
Lucía Fontana y cols.

Heart failure (HF) is a highly prevalent syndrome with high rates of hospitalization, disability, and mortality, and generates costs for the healthcare system. In the presence of mild HF-like symptoms, the annual risk of death is between 5% and 10%. However, it goes up to 30%-40% with severe symptoms and advanced stages of the disease. One of the main causes of left ventricular dysfuncti...

Artículo Original

Coronary transluminal angioplasty in bifurcation of the...
Ariel Ittig y cols.

Despite the advances made in the technique and materials used to perform the percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA), the management of obstructive bifurcation lesions is associated with a high degree of cardiovascular complications. We should mention not only the possibility of periprocedural lateral branch occlusion, but also the higher rate of restenosis anticipated in the long run.&nb...

Artículo Original

Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio for the diagnosis of type ...
Suilbert Rodríguez Blanco y cols.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Ischemic heart disease ranks #1 as the leading cause of death and disability. In Europe, this condition represents 19% of deaths in males and 20% in women; in the United States an acute myocardial infarction is reported every 40 seconds with a mean age of 65 years for males and 72 years for women. In Cuba, cardi...

Artículo Original

First National Survey on Training in Interventional Car...
Ignacio M Seropian

Interventional cardiology is a medical subspecialty within the list of subspecialties recognized by the Argentine Ministry of Sanitation. It is often referred to as “General Angiology and Vascular Surgery” (Annex I of the Resolution 1418/2015 of the Argentine Ministry of Sanitation). The Argentinian College of Interventional Cardioangiologists (CACI) and the University of Buenos A...

Caso Clínico

Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: uneventf...
Noelia Saaby y cols.

Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a rare complication of acute pulmonary thromboembolism. Its incidence rate is between 0.1% and 9.1% and its long-term mortality rate is high. Although pulmonary endarterectomy (PE) is the treatment of choice in patients who are not eligible for surgery, medical treatment or balloon angioplasty should be both considered since they a...

Carta del Presidente

What are we learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
Diego Grinfeld y cols.

I wish to tell you about an interesting activity that members from CACI had with friends and colleagues of different countries regarding their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted a webinar with Dr. Juan Granada of New York City (United States), Dr. Miguel Montero Baker of the city of Houston (United States), and Dr. Eduardo Aptecar of Paris (France).  We discussed the ...


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